Monday, 6 February 2012

ok well.................

well its been ages i know guys think its about time i get back on track I've not really done much partly because i had put my life on hold for a few weeks and just slowed down and taken some time out to enjoy the a small things like watching my little moo growing up she said the first word last week and even tho I've been saying " say Dada" to her since her first coo she came out with "baba" hehe its cute we were like typical but she can also say Nana and she said Dada when she was in the bath yesterday and she says mama when shes tired and wants cuddles :) x
over the next few weeks were going to be getting out so much more going to see a bit of this place we live in north wales has to much to offer and we just never had the time before but now as moo is getting bigger things are getting easier so watch this space hopefully lots of fun adventures coming up i cant wait I've missed blogging.
so here are some pics from the past few days enjoy.......
mini moo and dada after moo had just eaten most of my banana split :D

layla lou at liffys looks like shes blowing kisses

moo pulling faces hehe

standing up with out me holding her shes getting soo big now

this is a nappy cake i made my best friend shes having a baby boy soon she 33 weeks pregnant

moo sleeping shes just too cute

tata folks x

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