Monday, 14 October 2013

28 month update

Hay little lady 
Well I can not get over you being 28months old you're such a little person now its unreal you want to do everything yourself its crazy its like I blinked and you went from baby to independent toddler over night 

So here are just some photos of you over the past few weeks enjoy baby girl 

I made you this dress its made with vintage barbie fabric

Helping wash the mess up after sensory play is you're favourite part 

Love this photo you look like such a little hippy 

These photos are from when we went blackberry picking and had a picnic with our friends 

Love you always 
Xx mama xX

Sunday, 13 October 2013

exciting news

Hello little lady
 its been so long since I took the time to make a post on here so thought it was about time as some rather big new things are happening in our family 


See i told you life was about to change you're going to be a big sister i found out i was expecting baby number 2 right at the start of august we told you right away you don't really understand just yet you know where the baby is you talk to baby but i think you think i must of ate the baby because that is the only way you know thing get in to you're belly. But every time we say who's in mamas belly you say baby sister every time we have no idea of the gender yet so we shall see if you're right.

We had our first scan on September 20th the little tummy bug wouldn't stop moving and wouldn't keep still for a second but I'm pleased to say everything went well and baby is healthy. We even got an extra scan printed just for you to have. 

I am now 15 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy is going much faster than when i was carrying you. Maybe its because i have you keeping me on my toes this time round. Really excited to make you a sister and i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoy being the big sister to aunty vicky uncle dan dan and aunty rhiannon. 

Loves you baby girl 
Xx mama xX